
Family of Four

What can I say, in the past few months it has been fairly quiet around the business. For those of you who were not aware my husband and I welcomed our son, Sawyer, to this crazy world. He was born on May 25 and we have been on the go ever since. His birth story was one I know we will never forget. Travis and I were able to spend most of the day, after checking into the hospital for our induction, walking around Lake Tomah and just enjoying each others company (alone as a couple). It almost felt like a date. Lord knows I can not remember the last time we were able to just enjoy each others company in that manner. I know, I know, I am a little weird. Not many people would call being induced a nice day spent together. :D Needless to say that after 20 hours we had the most perfect little boy. We are all in love with him.

I am blessed with the most amazing family and loved ones. I am blessed that Sawyer has been able to meet my Grandparents. He has experienced so much in his first few weeks of life :) more posts to come on the adventures of soy soy and Hapa (Sawyer and Harper). Here is my cutie :)

Harper helping us name the baby
My favorite photo... taken by my wonderful husband just moments after Sawyer was born :)

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