
Inspiring Moments

This weekend I attended the Jesse Parker Tears into Water 5k run/walk. It was such an inspiring day. So many people that came to support such a wonderful cause . If you want to check out more about how this amazing young man helps bring clean water to those who are so desperately in need, check out this piece done by WKBT: Jesse Parker. Such a wonderful family carrying on the dreams of their son.

For those of you who know me, I DO NOT run. My attitude toward running really changed after this event. There was so much positive energy surrounding everyone. Even the volunteers and organizers were wearing contagious smiles. I left with the comment to my husband, " I can really see how this could be addicting".

Several people, my guess was about 50, also came to show support for my beautiful sister. Team Katie made my heart sing. To watch all the people who really care about her come out in support was heart warming. As pictured below even several of Katie's students braved the run and reminded us all that if you put your mind to something, nothing is out of reach. So Thank you from the bottom of all our hearts. Katie is blessed to have so many coworkers, friends, students, and parents supporting her and making her unexpected journey that much more bearable. We love you Katie! Your corner is full of love, enthusiasm and some amazing people you have touched along the way. 


The Adventures of Harper and Sawyer Month 1

Travis (my husband for those of you unfamiliar with my crazy family) has been able to take off from work recently. It has been such a joy to share my days with my family... not to mention another adult. After being a stay at home mom for two years it feels odd to have daily adult conversation before noon :). We have been camping, swimming, fishing, to the park, played with bubbles, on lunch dates and every where in between. I have been working on capturing our own moments a little more this year. I think I will vow to do a small blog post about a fun moment in each month this year for our family. Enjoy!

Harper has really taken to being a big sister. She just refers to Sawyer as "Brother", I am not sure he will ever have a real name in her mind. I guess that is what I get for waiting so long to name him and not practicing. She loves to torment her little brother. From the moment they met I knew we had the perfect little family! Shout out to my amazing Husband for supporting us, being there through all the emotions and crazy moments, and picking up the pieces on the days your wife is just a mess. Your children are very blessed to have you in their lives. Let's face it, there would be less adventure (for sure less fishing) :)


Family of Four

What can I say, in the past few months it has been fairly quiet around the business. For those of you who were not aware my husband and I welcomed our son, Sawyer, to this crazy world. He was born on May 25 and we have been on the go ever since. His birth story was one I know we will never forget. Travis and I were able to spend most of the day, after checking into the hospital for our induction, walking around Lake Tomah and just enjoying each others company (alone as a couple). It almost felt like a date. Lord knows I can not remember the last time we were able to just enjoy each others company in that manner. I know, I know, I am a little weird. Not many people would call being induced a nice day spent together. :D Needless to say that after 20 hours we had the most perfect little boy. We are all in love with him.

I am blessed with the most amazing family and loved ones. I am blessed that Sawyer has been able to meet my Grandparents. He has experienced so much in his first few weeks of life :) more posts to come on the adventures of soy soy and Hapa (Sawyer and Harper). Here is my cutie :)

Harper helping us name the baby
My favorite photo... taken by my wonderful husband just moments after Sawyer was born :)
