

Eliza | Family | 2014

Eliza and her Parents are my longest standing clients. I ADORE watching their family (if you have not caught that in the past). I am so thankful for Matt and Mindy and all they have done for me! THANKS GUYS! Here are just a few of the photos from this session that make my heart smile.


Ben| Tomah | Senior 2015

Tomah | Senior | 2015


I have had the privilege of meeting some of the most wonderful seniors this year! I am so excited I got to photograph each of them and can not wait to see all the awesomeness they unleash on the world in just a short time. For this session I was contacted by Ben's Mom who had to inform me we were neighbors. Lets just say I could not ask for better neighbors. I had fun and even got a few smiles. I was warned Ben was "serious". I still don't believe it!


Marisa | Tomah | Senior

Tomah | Senior | 2015


Some of the best people I know in my life I met after meeting my husband. When I met my husband this girl was maybe in the 6th grade. It is so hard to believe how fast time has gone. This young lady has an amazing heart and each time I take her picture I see how kind and wonderful she is. Life will take you far Ms. Stefanski, you are a gem. Keep smiling girl.


Hackett Family Photo | Tomah, WI

Hackett Family Photos | Tomah, WI

This Family <3

I had the privilege of taking photos of this doll and her mom and dad. First words when getting out of the car were " I just want to go home". This did not stop her from smiling. Thanks Hackett's.
