This day she was not only battling cancer but also three little girls who wanted to choose their own outfits, who didn't want to wear shoes, and who simply refused to smile at their auntie. To be honest, I left the photo shoot feeling defeated. I just wanted to capture a few current pictures of the girls and didn't feel I really nailed it. I left and told my sister I would have to come back another day. (Yep, that is right folks this photographer is far from perfect and sometimes kiddos just need another day)
Much to my surprise, when I got home I looked at this photo shoot in a new light. As I sat looking through photos, I thought to myself we are sure to remember this day! These three little girls have been brave right along with their Mom. Kids are allowed to be overwhelmed as well. I could write a million things more about how I feel about this family and this photo shoot but I will save my emotional mumbo jumbo for another day. For now, I will just remind my sister and these girls just how much we love them! Also, there will have to be a take two so we can get Dad in a few photos too!
Much to my surprise, when I got home I looked at this photo shoot in a new light. As I sat looking through photos, I thought to myself we are sure to remember this day! These three little girls have been brave right along with their Mom. Kids are allowed to be overwhelmed as well. I could write a million things more about how I feel about this family and this photo shoot but I will save my emotional mumbo jumbo for another day. For now, I will just remind my sister and these girls just how much we love them! Also, there will have to be a take two so we can get Dad in a few photos too!