This year in my life I have decided to let life be. I have spent so much of my time concerned with where I was going, I sometimes forgot to just be in the moment much of the time. I found myself justifying to people who didn't know me (and for that matter those who did) why I was and wanted to be a stay at home mom. No more of that. I am a stay at home mom because, truth be told, it is where I want to be right now. Time is fleeting and I simply won't get these moments back so I vow to enjoy the moments, crazy as they sometimes may be. I vow to remember being a stay at home mom with an education is not a failure, it is an amazing accomplishment and a gift.
This past week I was able to capture Bennett, who is the same age as Harper (my little one) and capturing all his little moments with his mom reminded just how fast time really goes. I was reminded just how important it is to be a mom. As Bennett's Mom and I discussed how easy it is to forget you won't always be the person they run to to make things better and hugs and kisses may become more rare (I hope they don't but reality is...) I had a moment of reflection of the last 20 months and wondered if I kissed and snuggled my baby enough. After the session our family headed out on a day of adventure together and it was a great day/night. I want to say Thank you to Amelie and Bennett for reminding our whole family how great it is to just sit and play trucks or dinosaurs or barbies together and how capturing and bottling the moments is so important. Sometimes we all need a little reminder :)
I was able to capture Bennett about a year ago and again this winter. I had said I wouldn't be doing any more indoor sessions (this is still true) but I had to make one more happen for this little guy and his mom. There is just something so pure about the bond I see between them in the short hour I get to photograph and observe. So, as these three (Grandma included) reminded me, grab those you love and hold them extra close and tell them each day. Thanks again for letting me be part of your memories.