
2014... A Year of Changes :)

Happy 2014 

I know I have been absent for some time. So I guess it is that time to make some announcements.

1) I am back, after a completely crazy time in my life.

2) Our family is adding another munchkin and we could not be more excited. Our days are about to change from playing babies and barbie to also playing trucks and dinosaurs (even though Harper already plays the two previous mentioned “boy” games). We are taking name suggestions; it seems we cannot agree on anything :). I am sad I had to give up a couple weddings around my due date but know it is so worth it. J I am wishing those couple brides an amazing day. The month of May will be very limited for me, while we spend some time welcoming our new son.

3) I am no longer offering an indoor setup in my home. Our family is taking over the house and there just is not enough room anymore.

4) 2014 is going to be a year of balance for me. I want to focus on my kiddos and family and will only be taking a limited number of sessions. I want to be able to give my full attention to those sessions. Last year I feel like I hardly documented my little ones life. I feel like even though I spend every day at home with her I am missing bottling the moments and just soaking them in.  

5) I have been saying this for some time now but never pulled the trigger, I came to the realization that I cannot sustain doing photography as a hobby or for fun anymore. A price change is on the horizon. My pricing will need to reflect the changes I want to make to my business so I can deliver a better product to my clients.  This will include an online ordering gallery (I am sure my clients are excited for this… I will not go on yet another rant about the post office and its ability to lose or break my CDs), a faster turnaround time and an awesome personalized experience. Details to come.

6) The past year brought about a question in me of whether or not photography is even something I should be immersing myself in. After much thought and deliberation I have come to the conclusion, it is something I love and I do not want to give it up. In order to be able to continue with something I am passionate about I need to make changes from a personal and business stand. I am still working out these details but know I will be offering a better me and product in 2014. I am excited about that J  

Just a little still of my busy crazy days! She makes all the crazy worth it! 
